At Elphinstone Primary, students engage in learning Reading, Writing and Spelling through differentiated teaching practices. We take a synthetic phonics approach to reading and spelling through the Sound Waves program. Students learn to write various genres such as: Narratives, Information reports, Poetry, Explanation texts and Persuasive writing. Teachers utilise the 6+1 Traits of writing when planning and implementing writing units. Literacy lessons occur daily from 9-11am and through cross-curricular learning in subjects such as Library, Science and Integrated Studies.
Teachers plan and implement differentiated maths lessons to teach all areas of the curriculum. The aim is connect all maths learning to real life, so students can really understand the purpose of what they are learning and be able to use these skills across other subjects and in life. Lessons incorporate hands-on and digital aspects to engage students in their learning. Concrete objects and visual charts are also used to scaffold their learning. Students engage in maths from 11.30-12.30 daily and through cross-curricular learning in subjects such as Science, Art and the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Program.
Students at Elphinstone Primary School experiment with a variety of visual arts. This includes painting styles, photography, drawing styles, a range of 2 and 3 dimensional sculpture among others.
All students at Elphinstone participate in the music program enjoying a variety of performing arts including singing, drama and instrumental group work. Students produce an annual concert showcasing their skills and celebrating the end of the year.
All students at Elphinstone Primary School learn AUSLAN as part of the LOTE program. This program includes a range of activities to cater for students from Prep through to Grade Six.
We are very fortunate to have the MARC Library Van and visit each week. Students are invited to share in a range of stories from various authors; this expands their understanding of different reading genres and writing styles. Younger students complete a range of tasks including art and craft activities. The older students embark on research projects based on various topics relating to the texts. All students are able to borrow books to motivate them to engage in reading.
Science and Integrated Studies cover a new topic each term to ensure the curriculum is met. Science includes: Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Earth and Space. Integrated Studies includes: Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography and History. Students participate in a lesson for Science and Integrated Studies each week. As a part of their program Grade 4-6 engage in Banqer and eSmart.
Students participate in Health lessons every week based on the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships program. Additionally, we access other programs such as Prepartion for Puberty and Making Friends with Worry through Dhelkaya Health. We also connect with the ICAN network. We've recently joined forces with The Resilience Project, so we will be implementing this program in 2025!
At Elphinstone Primary School our students experience a broad physically active curriculum. This includes regular use of our fitness track and activity centres, swimming program, dance, a variety of team sports, and an annual inter school athletics competition.